Legal Basis

Executive Order No. 192 dated June 10, 1987 – “Providing for the Reorganization of the Department of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, Renaming it as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and for other Purposes”.


Executive Order No. 192 mandates the DENR to be the primary government agency responsible for the conservation, management, development, and proper use of the country’s environment and natural resources, specifically forest and grazing lands, mineral resources, including those in reservation and watershed areas, and lands of the public domain, as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural resources as may be provided for by law in order to ensure equitable sharing of the benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present and future generations of Filipinos.

To accomplish this mandate, the Department shall be guided by the following objectives:

  1. Assure the availability and sustainability of the country's natural resources through judicious use and systematic restoration or replacement, whenever possible
  2. Increase the productivity of natural resources in order to meet the demands for forest, mineral, and land resources of a growing population;
  3. Enhance the contribution of natural resources for achieving national economic and social development;
  4. Promote equitable access to natural resources by the different sectors of the population; and
  5. Conserve specific terrestrial and marine areas representative of the Philippine natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations.


"A nation enjoying and sustaining its natural resources and clean and healthy environment."


To mobilize our citizenry in protecting,  conserving, and managing the environment and natural resources for the present and future generations.

Core Functions

DENR is tasked to formulate and implement policies, guidelines, rules and regulations relating to environmental management and pollution prevention and control.

Formulate implement and supervise the government's policies, plans and programs pertaining to the management, conservation, development, use and replenishment of the country's natural resources and ecological diversity; and

Promulgate and implement rules and regulations governing the exploration, development, extraction, disposition, and use of the forests, lands, minerals, wildlife, and other natural resources.

Thrusts and Priorities

The DENR thrusts and priorities are consistent with the President’s Social Contract with the Filipino people and supportive of the following five (5) priority agenda of the President:

  1. anti-corruption/transparent, accountable and participatory governance;
  2. poverty reduction and empowerment of the poor and vulnerable;
  3. rapid, inclusive and sustained economic growth;
  4. just and lasting peace and the rule of law; and
  5. integrity of the environment and climate change.

In line with the above mentioned priority agenda, the DENR, in the performance of its mandate under a regime of good environmental governance, will continuously implement in FY 2016 the following major programs that would ably create high impact and provide for longer-term solutions to more pressing environmental issues and concerns:

1. Anti-Corruption/Transparent, Accountable and Participatory Governance

  • Database Management
  • Land Records Management

2. Poverty Reduction and empowerment of the poor and vulnerable

  • National Greening Program
  • Patent Issuance
  • Cadastral Survey Program
  • Land Disposition

3. Integrity of the Environment and Climate Change 

  • National Greening Program
  • Protected Area Management and Development
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Coastal and Marine Resources/Areas Management
  • Clean Air, Clean water, and Solid waste Program
  • Implementation of  Manila Bay Operational Plan-SC Decision-G.R.171947-48
  • Geo-hazard Mapping

DENR FY 2016 Priority Programs/Activities

  1. National Greening
  2. Cadastral Survey and Land Management and Disposition
  3. Forest Protection and Anti-illegal Logging
  4. Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation
  5. Clean Air, Clean Water and Solid Waste Management
  6. Geo-hazard Assessment and Mapping, and Ecosystems Research and Development
  7. Good Governance and Anti-corruption